[mycred_chart_circulation] This shortcode will render charts based on the amount of points that currently exists amongst your users for each point type.
[mycred_chart_gain_loss] This shortcode will render charts based on the amount of points that has been given to users vs. the total amount taken.
[mycred_chart_history ctype="_je_mycred_learndash"] This shortcode will render the average point gain on your site for x number of days/weeks/months/years
[mycred_chart_top_balances] This shortcode will render a list of balances ordered by size.
[mycred_chart_top_instances] This shortcode will render a list of the most common ways your users gain points on your site based on references.
[mycred_chart_instance_history] This shortcode will render the total amount of points your users has gained / lost on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis.